Guys - I’ve set up a signage player - an A95X android box - with the Android app, and configured a layout and schedule, with media and all, using the Spring Signage Xibo in the Cloud trial account, just to make sure I could get everything working. I’m in the process of using my webspace to install Xibo, but once I have done that, is it possible in any simple way to transfer the work I’ve done on one host - the media library, the schedule, the layouts etc - to another host?
Best bet would be to contact Spring Signage support about it.
I suggest you setup the Xibo CMS on your webspace instead of using the cloud trial. It only take some minutes and then you have all layouts, media and schedules at your webspace. I run a A95X box for test now, been online 1 week without interupt!
Thank you Xibo!
Just to follow up on my own request - a little more experimentation revealed that exporting a layout (from the layout page) also exports all the media used in that layout, which I can then simply import into the new installation on my webspace. I can’t see any way to export a schedule (campaign), so I have to recreate that manually, but that’s no great problem. Thanks for the replies.
Yeah, that’s exactly right if it’s not a problem to manually export layouts, configure settings, campaigns and schedule then you’re go to go.