Time drop down menu

When I go to schedule and select a time with the drop down, I have for 0000 then is goes to 0101(four times) then 0202…down to 2323. Is there a way to fix this so I only have the even hour time?

Can you show me a screenshot of it please? It seems that something is off there.

While you’re in the CMS, please show/tell me what you have on Regional page in CMS settings.

CMS settings Regional

I hope the images come through. Thank you.

Time drop down. As you can see there are four 0000 then it adds a minute to every hour.

Time drop down. As you can see there are four 0000 then it adds a minute to every hour.

Well, if you look at your date format, then what you see in CMS does make sense.

Please change it to default or any proper php date format like:
Y-m-d H:i
d-m-Y H:i

or similiar

Thank you! Now the time is every 15 minutes. from 0000 to 2345.

Is every 15 minutes the default?

In the dropdown yes indeed, but you can manually edit it as well if it’s needed (ie select the time and manually enter the time you need)

Thank you very much!!!