This Player is not configured or ready to receive push commands over XMR. Please contact your administrator

Does the message you’re trying to send show in the XMR console log?

where do i find XMR console

Where you’re running XMR. You sent a screenshot of it above.

So the messages are making it to XMR.

I’d rekey your Player now to be sure that end is working as expected. To do so, edit your Display in the CMS, tick the box that says “Reconfigure XMR” on the Advanced tab, and then Save.

Then wait for the Player to collect from the CMS, before trying again.

thank you so much it’s working properly now. :grinning::+1:

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HI bro please help me for below issue

ZeroMQ ZeroMQ is used to send messages to XMR which allows push communications with player

How to resolved ?