Hallo, after docker/xibo 1.8.2 (synology DSM 6.1) smooth run, i´m trying to get e-mail notification too.
Meanwhile i have tested varios php5.6/php7, xibo and docker-xibo-cms configurations. In which i think, a separate synology-php-configuration is´nt needed for smtp-sending over xibo to gmail as relay. Right?
Shure, the port router-forwarding is done on 25, 587 and 465.
A small test with the synology e-mail-server and mail-station to gmail was succesful.
Now my xibo environment:
EMAIL: name@xye.de | SYSTEM-NOTIFICATION: checked
ADMIN EMAIL: name@xye.de
SENDING EMAIL: othername@gmail.com
Ok Alex. Many thanks for your reply. I have try it, but nothing was happen.
Sure, gmail enabled “less secure apps”.
For better understanding:
Gmail is working as relay, wich transmit the massage to the user email-adress (name@xye.de).
I downloaded the running docker container (cms + xmr) from : /xibosignage.
Your config.env.template above is correspondending with xibo-cms the environment variables like shows my picture below. Right?
I have pointed two unclear variables.
CMS_SERVER_NAME: place for my DynDNS-Name ??
CMS_SERVER: is that the same like CMS_SMTP_SERVER ??
The correct variables for SMTP can be found in the config.env file:
## SMTP Username
## SMTP Password
## Use a TLS Connection YES/NO
## Use a STARTTLS Connection YES/NO
## Rewrite domain (the domain your email will appear to come from)
## Hostname that we should identify ourself to the remote server as
## Can the From line be overridden in the outbound email
## NB GMail will rewrite the From address anyway so it's not important
## for GMail - YES/NO
CMS_SERVER_NAME is related to the Apache configuration. You want that set to the DNS name you use to access the server (so yes likely your DynDNS hostname).
Yes, Alex, now the notification is smooth running.
What i have done? I change the predefined variable (CMS_SERVER) to
the right expression (CMS_SMTP_SERVER). I thought, that is not my role to change any predefined.
Anyway… its running now. Thank you Alex.
Another else: The messages comes as wrong formatted code.
I would mean any us-ascii or similar, but it should be german.
Where can i change it?
Sample: Email Alarm f��r Bildschirm