Struggling with schedule event and interrupt layouts


I’m looking for advice.

I have a few players that all have different content displayed using the default layout. Typically the content is a grafana dashboard webpage reloading every1-5 mins), a footer image and a clock widget. This works a treat.

We have some Xmas videos we want to display once every 30 mins. I created a new Layout thought I could schedule the Christmas video.

I tried the following…

  1. Add an event to repeat every 30 mins the christmas layout (which is a 1 min video). I’d hoped the default layout would run and every 30 mins the Chrismas video would play one iteration and go back to the default layout but instead it just played the xmas video.

  2. Tried adding a schedule with the layout I use as the default, then adding another event with a higher priority to play the Christmas video every 30 mins. this resulted in the Christmas video playing all the time. setting the priority lower resulted in the default video playing and no chrismas video.

  3. I tried the same as item 2 but using an interupt layout but this also didn’t work and I couldn’t figure out the SoV mechanics.

A campaign doesn’t work for me because I need the a layout to keep repeating it’s refresh cycle to update the data on the screen.

It looked like a playlist would have worked but I need to embed that into a region of a layout and the layouts are different for the Default and the christmas video.

I’m worried I’m going to have to modify each layout to include the xmas video and that’s going to be a pain as the video is going to change each week.

Could somebody give me any pointers?


So a default layout should only be used as a back up and assigned to players to be shown in the event that nothing else is scheduled or there is an issue that prevents your scheduled content from being shown.

I would instead schedule your layouts as ‘Always’ events, then create another Layout with your Christmas video. When you schedule your Christmas Layout, set the time period you want this to play (as a single event)

My example below shows my event will start today at 08:15 and will end at 08:20, with my content being shown for 5 minutes:

Once you have defined your single event you can then set your Repeat to every 30 minutes:

Your schedule should then show, your Always event and a repeating event for each Display:

If you then use the Agenda view and use the slider you can see how your content will be shown throughout the day.

If you are interested, we do have online training courses that go further into our scheduling capabilities :slight_smile:

Hi Natasha,

Thanks for your reply, I’ll give that a try now. I see my error was in assuming the time period was defining the overall period I wanted it to display for rather than a single instance.

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Thank you, that did the trick.

I’d told myself it worked a different way and it clouded my thought process.


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