Start automatically Xibo (Docker Container) on Ubuntu 18.04 D

Hi People,

I installed Xibo using this tutorial:

and when and reboot Ubuntu Xibo does not start automatically I have to start the container automatically using the following command

root@sarxibo01:~# cd /opt/xibo/
root@sarxibo01:/opt/xibo# docker-compose up -d
Starting xibo_cms-db_1 … done
Starting xibo_cms-xmr_1 … done
Starting xibo_cms-web_1 … done

Is there an option to start it automatically?

Best regards

Hi @ricardsm, In our case (same installation guide) Xibo takes a few minutes but finally starts.

I found a good solution, as I was having the same issue. Follow the following steps:

  1. Log in and then give yourself root permissions (I do this as sudo -s)

  2. Make sure Docker itself is starting automatically. If you want to have Ubuntu control this, you can run the command systemctl enable docker

  3. Run the command nano /etc/rc.local

  4. Paste or type the following:

#!/bin/sh -e
cd /opt/xibo
docker-compose up -d
exit 0

  1. Run the command chmod +x /etc/rc.local

You should now be able to restart your server and your Xibo containers should load without issue.

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