Hello everybody,
I’m french and i use Xibo in enterprise…
Actually i have Xibo 1.8.2 and a display in Windows 10.
I need to display a team membership at 5 AM to 6 AM, and before that and after that i need to display video, all in my plannin it’s ok but when my display change my screen is bad, I explain becose i have two big problems:
My first problem:
I have on the top a video or my team membership, at the bottom left i have a picture and at the bottom right i have a clock.
So when we are at 6 AM the team membership is finish and normally it’s the time for a video, but my see my picture and my clock but not my video… So i need to reboot the computer… It’s normal? There is solutions?
My second problem:
At 5 AM to 6 AM i have an excel in google drive. My display show this excel with webpage link, but often the link crashes, let me explain, my webpage disapper and i need to reboot the computeur…
Can someone help me please?
Best regards,