Screen size does not follow Display settings

We have a custom “built player” download from springsignage portal.

I’ve found that windows client (1.8.12) do not follow size display setting if it is larger than current extended size desktop.

I have not tested yet on the xibo build.

We have configured a 13664 x 768 layout, a 13664 x 768 display, but temporarily we have a 1366*3 extended desktop,

previously: the fourth monitor was “rendered” outside desktop view.
now: the player fits 4 “HD” regions on 3 monitors. We have to change the layout and display settings. Not an imposible task, but we just used to wait until the fouth monitor gets replaced.

Is there any setting like “render outside user view?”

we have not updated the cms, it’s planned to be done in a couple of weeks.

Hi, I do not know if its related to this, but when an instance is configured to fit in several monitors, and a monitor is powered off, and instance restarted, does not follow display settings, just autoadjust to “view size”

Also happens with vanilla XiboClient