Scheduling to play after each circle

Hi guys,
I have a default layout and bunch of other scheduled layouts.
I need to be able to set a layout to play once after each round and a second layout to play twice after each round.
Is this possible?
if yes,
any help will be extremely appreciated.

Many thanks

What exactly do you mean by ‘each round’ ?

Perhaps you could add those layouts to a campaign (you can add the same layout twice to the campaign) and then schedule that to your players?

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Hi Peter,
thanks for the response.

What i mean is,
when you normally schedule let’s say 5 layout including the default layout 5+1, it generates a circle of loop which means all the layouts will be played one by one from start to the end.

My question is,
if i have lets say 2 same layouts that are for the same purpose but different content and i want to display those layouts one at a time during each loop of the circle.
If i schedule them normally then they will both be displayed in the same loop. What i need to do is to display one in the first loop and display the second in the second loop etc.

I hope this was clear.

What i would very much like to know is,
how do i change the playing order of scheduled layouts?
This would already help pretty much.

Please keep in mind,
the scheduled layouts does not have the same time period, they are set for different time periods but i still would like to be able to set the display order of the scheduled layouts.

You can specify the display order when you edit your events on Schedule page, alternatively if you’re using campaign then layouts will be displayed in the same order as they appear in the campaign.

Hi Peter,
i had 5 layouts and i have set one to be the first and another one to be the third but it unfortunately did not work.
It looks like system is displaying the layouts in alphabetical order.

Campaign won’t help because we are not using several layouts that are scheduled for same period, therefore, we cannot use campaigns.

My problem is not being able to change the display order manually.
If i have 2 layouts with same content and same name, system will display them one after the other which is not the goal.
The goal is to display one at the start of the loop and the other one in the middle of the loop.

Display order is not helping either because if i have 5 layouts that are not starting at the same time and also not ending at the same time, i cannot use the display order since the older ones will always drop from playing and the display order will break.

Is there any way to set the display order of layouts in the same way as we do for media items in timeline?
that would be the only solution a believe.

I am not sure how this is different to arranging items in a timeline - (that is all that is happening behind the scenes there - a display order from 1 to X).

The schedule provided to the player is ordered by:

  • schedule display order
  • campaign display order (if applicable)
  • schedule from date
  • schedule event id (order of creation)

At no time is it ordered by name.

The only way you could do that is to create a cycle which loops uniquely and contains both smaller loops.

I think what you’re saying is that you want (with layouts X and Y)

  • Loop 1: A, X, B, C, D
  • Loop 2: A, Y, B, C, D

The only way to do that is to schedule the complete pattern:

  • A, X, B, C, D, A, Y, B, C, D

Hi Dan,
many thanks for the detailed explanation.
please keep in mind,
the scheduled layouts are not scheduled for same time period, they are with different time period.
if i have 10 layouts where 4 are active and 6 are for the feature, when 4 gets old 6 becomes active. Please also keep in mind, 4 layouts does not all get old at the same time because they have different scheduling periods.

"The only way you could do that is to create a cycle which loops uniquely and contains both smaller loops."
Exactly, this is the case.

"I think what you’re saying is that you want (with layouts X and Y)

Loop 1: A, X, B, C, D
Loop 2: A, Y, B, C, D
The only way to do that is to schedule the complete pattern:"

Yes, you are all correct!
this means i have to schedule again and again the same things in order to be able to achieve this :worried:

I just wish we could have a feature of adding layout into a layout and ability to also schedule it…
This means,
we could have one main layout and where we have some items and add unlimited layouts into it that are scheduled. We could in this way be able to set whatever order we want very easily.

Ah, I did not realise this was a feature request! I thought you have uncovered some misbehaving with the software - good to know it is working as expected.

In future I think that Playlists might be able to do what you want, allowing you to maintain playlists independently of the Layout and then assign multiple Playlists to a Layout with an expiry time,

Many thanks Dan :grinning:

I would really love this!
“In future I think that Playlists might be able to do what you want, allowing you to maintain playlists independently of the Layout and then assign multiple Playlists to a Layout with an expiry time,”

We’re working on it :smiley:

Great news! :grinning:

Many thanks!