Schedule Now issue with not updating the content


I have a US layout that I created with a content running but when I try to update with a new content using schedule now, it does not do anything. I set the duration to take place in 2 mins, but that new slide does not come on. It seems like everytime I update a new content, I will have to kill the current display that is running (end task) then open the display options then save then launch client. this way it refreshes the content to the new content that I upload.

This almost seem like the content is not properly getting pushed through. It shouldn’t be a manual process. Please help!

Could you please tell us if you’re editing layout that’s currently being displayed on your player? If yes is it default layout or scheduled layout - in both cases you should not need to schedule it again after you make changes, unless of course it’s different layout.

What durations do you have on your layout? Long durations can delay any changes from being shown on the client.

If you’re making changes to the current layout, could you please navigate to Display Settings page -> Edit display profile assigned to your device
Then check what’s the ‘collection interval’ set to and also navigate to Advanced tab and enable ‘Expire modified layouts?’, restart your player after you make this change in display profile.


My current layout is playing US content and I want to change the content to let’s say ASIA content. So when I change the default layout to ASIA layout, it will not display the ASIA content unless I go into display option then, save, then launch client. It doesn’t update with schedule now either.

The interval is set to 900 and “Expired modified layouts” is already checked. Is the interval supposed to be different?

Thank you,
Haena Tran

What CMS and player version are you using please?

Could be also to check durations of your layouts - if you have some really long durations it will delay any new/updated content on the player.