RTSP livestream from VLC

Hello sir

I use VLC as server to play video from my computer (windows os) and I use module “Local Video” to play my stream follow this suggestion Stream CCTV IP Camera in to Xibo for Android but I got error it’s work with sound only it didn’t show picture like this post Help setting up RTSP stream for Android.

my stream in other device it play sound only too I test with VLC by another computer(windows os) and android device I guess even VLC can’t play properly that why xibo client(android) can’t play properly too.

How to resolve it. Please suggestion.

Thank you in advance.

Sorry for the delay - we missed your message.

Sound but no Video usually means that the codec the stream uses is not supported. The supported formats for android are shown in this article: My video wont play properly - what is happening?

You should be able to encode to a supported format with VLC (we’ve done that before).

Thank you very much Dan. :smile: