The RSS feeds on our ticker do not seem to be displaying on the client screen. The background shows however, the RSS feeds do not. Everything on the server end looks fine, all but one of the RSS feeds show when i preview layout in the design section on the server. I have already rebooted the client computer but, that did not resolve the issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am new to Xibo as the last administrator is no longer with the company.
Wwe did change the port of the server is hosted on last week. Could this have something to do with it? Would we have to specify this on the client end?
Okay, sorry for the overload of questions. Where is the server address specified? Client or server end? - i do not see it in Administration/Settings on the server end.
The CMS Address is one of the few pieces of information that need to be specified at the Client end (without that information the client doesn’t know where to look)
I adjusted the server address to represent the correct port. It seems to be functioning now. Now i am receiving an error that saying layout 10 (the RSS feed layout) is invalid. It no longer displays on the screen. I am unable to tell what the cause of the error is. Any ideas?
We’d need to see the complete error to be certain, but in general layouts are invalid because they don’t meet the requirements for a valid layout:
The layout must have one or more regions
All regions on the layout must have one or more valid media items in it
So it could be that the client is seeing an empty region on the layout, or it could be that the RSS feed in the layout isn’t valid itself (ie it returns no results). Does the layout preview correctly now?
It could also be that your server modules aren’t installed correctly. In the CMS, go to the Modules page then use the Reinstall all Modules button to check. Then allow the client sufficient time to download any extra code it gets as a result.
Failing that, screenshots of the client status screen are going to be the way forward on this.
The preview seems to be working now and displaying the 3 current RSS feeds and one flash. The community forum will not let me post screenshots due to being a new user? When I navigate to the Administration/Modules screen in the CMS i do not see an option to “Reinstall all Modules”.
Unfortunately i do not see that either, which leads me to believe i am looking at the wrong screen. I am logged into the server end via Mozilla Firefox and found the Modules section under Administration. Am i in the right place? Also is there a way to post a screenshot without receiving “Sorry, new users can not upload images.” ?