Rotation of layouts


I have two layouts on a device and am struggling with rotation of them.

Layout 1 - is a full screen web page which we need displayed for 5 minutes.

Layout 2 - is a playlist of videos (the number of videos and the length changes frequently.

What we want is to display layout 1 (for 5 minutes) then swap to Layout 2 and play the whole playlist and then back to layout 1 for 5 minutes, then 2, then 1, etc.

I’ve tried scheduling but it seems hit and miss - am I missing something?

Edit layout 1 durations (ie the webpage duration to 5 min)

Create a campaign
Add both layouts to this campaign
Schedule campaign to your display (one event, without repeat just set the end time to something far into the future)

(of course clear the existing schedule so it does not interfere).

Once you will have it configured like that it will do exactly what you want.