Replacing media file permissions


I would like to give a User permission to only replace a media file (pdf) and afterwards all layouts and templates are upadated with the new media file. I assigned a lot of userrights (layout, media, …) to the user but the media did not update in the layouts/templates. Which rights should I set to the User?

Thanks in advance. Mark

Your user will need access to Media library page (optionally to layouts page) and at least view/edit (optionally delete) permissions to the whole layout (cascade permissions) on which that file should be replaced and to the .pdf file itself.

Yes, but the content is not beeing updated when i replace the file. Is there any trick?

The content in CMS -> layout designer or on the player?

If you’re replacing a file that is already in use on a layout, then during replace (before upload) you need to tick the ‘Update this media in all layouts it is assigned to?’ checkbox and your user needs to have at least view/edit permissions to the file and to the layout as I mentioned.

(if you have delete permissions as well then you can tick ‘Delete the old version?’ too).

That will replace the image in the library and on all layouts that this file is assigned to (on all layouts that this user has permissions to edit of course)

The replaced file in CMS library will also have incremented mediaId and player should be aware of the change in the layout and download new file once connected it’s to the CMS.

The content in the player.

The User has view/write/delete permission for the whole Layout and Media.
I tick ‘Update this media in all layouts it is assigned to?’ also and the media number increments but the client is not updated.

The Usergroup has site permission for: Layout, Library, REgions

Is this on windows or android client?

Do you have some really long durations on this layout?
If so then you can probably lower them and perhaps also enable ‘Expire Modified Layouts’ in display profile assigned to your display.

In my case, media files are only replaced by regular download/update cycles (i.e. every 5 minutes). XMR is not working when i only change the media file…

Is XMR correctly configured and working? (for example can you successfully request a screenshot from the display?)

yes xmr is working. If i change the layout completely the content is updated immediately. Same with screenshot request.
But not when only replacing the mediafile.

Problem is here too. Updating a JPG file by replacing it in the library does not trigger XMR. There is no activity in the XMR window. Even after the next collection interval, the client does not download the new JPG file. Only if you change something on the layout and save XMR is triggered and the client displays the new JPG file.

I think I have a similar problem. I have three layouts with several PDF’s. If I replace the PDF in the Library, I can see the new PDF in the layout preview, but it never updates on the player (Android / DSCS9 with R107). The player is still displaying the old PDF’s. If I show the layout to a new player, which never plays the layout bevore, the PDF region is not showing any PDF, ist blank :frowning:

Server is 1.8.10 and will be updated today, maybe this will help

looks like that 1.8.11 solved the problem

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