Remote Dataset - Trouble configuring Remote Data Path

Since the processed looks to have correct data when you test it, I’d expect the dataSet to be populated when the fetch remote dataset task runs and if the last sync date in the row with your dataset has current date.

If it’s not, then please enable CMS auditing, let the task run, collect logs and send them to me via private message.

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Os Dataset foram preenchidos corretamente

I also use get for my datasets.
At the top of your json data, I dont think I can see a data root - what have you specified as your data root?

It looks like it just goes straight into your array data. My JSON test URL results are as below :

Also at the bottom of your test JSON output, it says "Processing Result with Data Root " only - mine shows :


This all points towards a lack of a dataroot setting in my opinion…
I had to add an extra line in my Excel VBA to get that dataroot setting to output before it hits my array data so that Xibo can organise it into its columns…


Você esta usando URL Json?

Se sim, pode me enviar para eu poder analisar melhor o problema

I think thats true, but in my case, If I specify the data root,
I get:

but without dataroot, I get:

I was at the thought that Xibo had already fetch the data,
but I couldn’t figure out why xibo does not populate the table.

Looking at your Json output, thats because ‘address’ isnt a dataroot - its contained in part of your array.
You need a line in your JSON file that goes inbetween ‘entries’ and ‘id’ which can then be declared as a Xibo dataroot in order to populate your columns correctly with all your array data. For this to work for me, I had to add an extra line in my VBA code that generates my Json file that writes a line (before it starts reading and writing from my excel data for my columns in Xibo) that simply says ‘Xibo’ (it can be anything you want as long as the dataroot matches within the Xibo dataset set up screen) and then that is my dataroot (as seen in my previous example of Json output). I did this by just adding an extra dictionary item into my VBA program and then saying write/output this dictionary item on a line before you start writing data from my excel spreadsheet.
If you need help with that, please let me know and I can give you the vba I had to use to create my dataroots (thats if youre using Excel VBA of course). I had exactly the same issue as you with my datasets until I did this.


Thanks for the reply, I think the Dataroot could be the issue. I’ll try and modify my JSON file…

Thanks again.

Im no expert but your test url output is mirroring the same symptoms as I had when I first started using datasets and Json files with no dataroot so its worth a try.


Pretty sure the problem is not the dataroot.
I used a dummy data from a test db, json_encode the data using php API, specified dataroot in xibo.

Test URL is ok looks fine, and still the table did not populate…

Help please, anyone…

Ola amigo,

Segue anexado uma arquivo em ZIP, contendo um layout com DATASET criando a partir de um arquivo JSON.

VC pode importar o arquivos Zipado pelo Menu Layout que o DATASET atualiza sozinho.

Tenho certeza que o preenchimento do seu Dataset seria uma configuração do XIBO. não do seu arquivo.

Qualquer duvida na importação me chame que darei suporte.


(Attachment is missing)

Desculpe , mas este canal não aceita arquivos ZIP.
Como posso enviar um Layout editado pra vc fazer o teste???

Sorry thats about as far as my knowledge goes then - cant see a reason why it wouldnt populate your data now, as long as your columns in Xibo match your json output :frowning: Perhaps one of the staff/mods/other members with more knowledge can assist you further…


Somente esta fonte de Dados que você não consegue preencher as colunas???
Já testou outras fontes???
Talvez não seja sua fonte, mas a sua configuração do XIBO.
Para o DATASET funcionar corretamente as configurações tem que estar rodando 100%.
Acho que você deve olhar melhor nas configurações.

I found out that I took the Database table with almost 4000 rows…
My bad… After I limit it to 500 rows for Dataset fetch, it all fine now.
Just a question, what’s the limit of data size can xibo dataset fetch…?
Sorry and thanks everyone…