I have followed the methods from the links below but the result remains the same, namely there is no data when I press the view data button in the remote dataset. Here are the links:
Since the processed looks to have correct data when you test it, I’d expect the dataSet to be populated when the fetch remote dataset task runs and if the last sync date in the row with your dataset has current date.
If it’s not, then please enable CMS auditing, let the task run, collect logs and send them to me via private message.
just sharing a solution which might help somebody having the same problem. I was trying to work with remote datasets, however, even they showed correct results using “Test Data URL”, the results were not fetched by the FetchRemoteDatasets-Task nor displayed in the data table.
It showed an error parsing JSON (no valid json) in the notifications. After some debugging, I came up with a solution, being related to the Guzzle HTTP client used for fetching. The function “getContents()” seems to b…