Real sample to use javascript with embedded in Region


I have search the forum e documentation, mas I didn´t find a real sample to use a javascript function to modify a layout presentation with embedded in a region.

Please, does some can provide sample to use embedded in region with custom html and javascript function?


I’ll use simple example that was created for a different issue.

So let’s say this is your custom html (“HTML to Embed”)

        <td>United Kindgom</td>

and that this is your script (“HEAD content to Embed (including script tags)”)

    <script type="text/javascript">
function EmbedInit()
   $('td:contains("Germany")').css({color: "#00ff00"});

It’s just a simple example, I am not sure if it will help you, if you’d have more complex scripts, then you can just post them here and someone will have a look.

Did you find where exactly have to put this code?

thank you. I will try it.