Pulling the docker containers, starting them and manually installing Xibo

Hi Alex,

When i run docker-compose up -d in my production setup it gives me error like
ERROR: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority.

This is because of my environment either because of proxy/firewall is blocking my request.

so i want run the setup manually instead of going to docker hub to pull repositories. I will download manually below images on my local machine then i will transfer to my production server.

  1. xibosignage/xibo-cms release-1.8.9
  2. xibosignage/xibo-xmr release-0.7
  3. mysql 5.6

After this how i can run container manually instead of going via docker-compose up -d.

Please Help!!

You certainly can transfer Docker images and load them in to an offline server.

The instructions to do so are here:

Note however that the naming convention for the images changed since that post was made, so for the latest images, you’d want to run the following on a machine that can connect to Docker Hub:

docker pull xibosignage/xibo-xmr:release-0.7
docker pull xibosignage/xibo-cms:release-1.8.11
docker pull mysql:5.6

docker save xibosignage/xibo-xmr:release-0.7 > xmr.tar.gz
docker save xibosignage/xibo-cms:release-1.8.11 > cms.tar.gz
docker save mysql:5.6 > mysql.tar.gz

Then transfer the tar.gz files to your server and load them per the notes above:

docker load -i xmr.tar.gz
docker load -i cms.tar.gz
docker load -i mysql.tar.gz

Once loaded, the containers will “up” without needing to download.

hi Alex,

During pull docker pull xibosignage/xibo-cms:release-1.8.11

first line shows already exists(what it means will it cause issue during installation)

once i take backup all these three images and load into production server, is it important to load all these three images into /opt/xibo or i can keep it any folder and just run docker-compose up -d.

beacuse i moved it /opt/xibo in one my machine for testing purpose but it didnt work.

Already exists just means that that layer of the image exists already. It’s not an error.

You can save those files wherever you want. Once you’ve loaded them on the server you can delete the tar.gz files - you don’t need them anymore. Docker will load them in to /var/lib/docker where it needs them for you.

The actual CMS you can install in any directory. If you want to move it after you’ve set the CMS up, you must down the containers, move the directory and then up them. You can’t move the files with the containers created.

Hi Alex,
i have sucessfully loaded the images to production machine

After that when i type docker-compose up -d its still giving proxy error.

Please let me know other workaround( like manually starting each container and linking all containers).

Awaiting for your revert!!

Hi Alex,

The Error was Due to version mismatch,
The containers which i exported is the latest version and the file docker-compose.yml had old xibo-cms version 1.8.9 on it so when i run docker-compose -d it was going on internet to fetch 1.8.11.

Later i exported latest version of file xibo-docker.tar.gz and extracted it and ran
docker-compose up -d, it was successful. xibo cms is loading successfully.

Now i am getting another issue, when i leave the access of system i.e when i close my ssh session.

after sometime the ip address on the server gets changed automatically. its neither pingable or nor it allows me to take ssh.

Does docker change the ip address of machine??.? the ip address on the docker needs to assigned separetely or it should be mapped with that of server ip ???

Second Query: do you need to save the containers or they are automatically saved.

Docker can’t change the IP of the server. The containers IPs will change, but not the server IP.

Docker manages mapping the container IPs and ports specified in the compose file to the host.

You don’t need to save containers - they don’t contain anything of importance.