Hi, im a new User from Xibo an i have a question about Language-Settings in German.
Server Summery: XAMP with Apache, PHP 5.6.28, Xibo 1.7.9
extension=php_intl.dll is enable
Reginal Settings: Language: de-DE
Timezone: Berlin
Dateformat: d.m.Y H:i
Detect Language: Hook on
Calender: Gregorian
Show international dates? Hook on
Now the Problems:
If i hook on “Show international dates” i have issues in the Scheduler.
The dates shows not the current Date and in the background the name of the days are in english.
In this settings my forecast-Modul work great.
If i hook off “Show international dates” in the reginal Settings, my dates in the Scheduler are allright.
The daynames on the Scheduler in the background are wrong too.
In this settings my Forecast shows not the current german Daynames, it shows the Timezone unter the Weathericons.
I have change the Settings in the Forecastmodul from:
When i use [time|D] i have englisch Daynames, and wenn i use [time|eee] i have the Timezone displayed.
Im so sorry for my bad english, put i hope somebody understand what i mean and can help me.
I want to thank you so much for that great Software, im trying since 2 days and it is so great an i have a lot of fun to develop!!!
Greetings from Germany