Problems with Feed image caching

Hey we’ve been running Xibo connected up to a RSS feed for a while now and it seems to have a lot of problems with getting new images from new elements in the feed. Usually it takes about an hour for the client to get the new image up and running. The thing is i can find the image in the Libary folder and it would appear that everything should be working just fine.

Does the player cache the images in the Ram or something that cause it to cache a no fully downloaded image. And is there a way to potentially run the images in online only mode where it loads it every time it shows a new element, cause the images always show up on the web interface preview so i presume that is running online only mode.


edit: btw i have tried diffrent update intervals anywhere between an hour to a min and the issue still persisted

What CMS and player version are you using please?

Also what is the duration of your layout?

Is the ticker with images the only widget in it’s region?

Hey im using version 1.8.2, the duration is 20 sec per item when you mention it i havent tested just having a duration in general.

The ticker is custom CSS, but i only fetch the tag as a custom tag from the rss

Ok i discovered something very intresting when i was troubleshooting today.

steps to reproduce,
i set up a fresh player and started the layout with the RSS feed on it
It had not cached any images and i let it run for 30 mins, still no images
Slight change Region position to force a XMR update and boom, all like 10 images instantly downloaded and up and running on the cliend.

Is there anyway to add a maintence script to force send this sort of update every min? I know there is a collection interval setting, but i was forceing collects left and right and this did nothing.