Problem with Video Playing in Android 1.7.8

I have a problem to play video (mp4) in client Android 1.7.8,
At the beginning, I can not see the image and sound in the client.
After I read some cases in Xibo community, I have tried to check to “Unable public storage”; and can hear the sound of the video, but screen still is black and after changed the setting, the client can not update the new contents, just keep playing the old content.
Please help to fix this issue. Thank you.

Could you show us a screenshot of status window on android device please?

Public storage and first option under storage options would be recommended to play videos on some devices.

You can also check if you’re using Surface or Texture view, display settings -> edit display profile assigned to your device -> troubleshooting tab -> Use Surface view…

The surface view is enabled by default, texture view might not work on all devices.

Thanks for your quick answer.
It is just a black screen, only can hear the sound of the video, even take the screen shot also dont see anything.
I have tried to check the seeting of User Surface view…, it have been checked by default.
Our CPU is AMD G-T40N, or because of the hardware don`t support Anroid video playing?
I have been tried to created an Android emulator on Chrome for testing, also face the same issue. But tried on some mobile devices, the video playing is no problem, so is it hardware issue?

What’s your device’s make, model, android version etc please?

In most cases the H264 encoded .mp4 video should work fine on most(if not all) android devices.

As mentioned, the public storage is required by some devices, but other than that it should work fine.

Is your Xibo for Android in R61 version? Are there any errors on the status screen?