Problem with Power Point Scaling under Windows 10


We have a Problem with Xibo regarding Power Point under Windows 10.
As you can see on the screenshot the Scaling is wrong.
Normaly it should show up in fullscreen mode but it wont.
I tried the same setup on a different windows 7 client and it worked fine.
We use Office 2013.

Any Idea how to fix this problem?

Thanks in Advice.

I’m not sure what that’s a screenshot of? It doesn’t look like the Xibo Layout designer, or the Player.

Windows 10 scaling issues are generally due to the Windows Display scaling settings in Windows itself. Please ensure these are set to 100%, and not 150% as is sometimes the case by default.

Please also ensure that you have clicked the Save Region Positions button in the layout designer, as by default, new regions are square, and in the top left side of the layout. Until you click that Save button, the Player will see the region in it’s original location.


I made the Screenshot from the region i defined for the power point presentation. It does not show the whole Layout.
But anyway, the trick with Windows 10 Display scaling did it. It was set to 150 %. Now i set it to 100% and everything works fine! Thanks a lot!
