Players not downloading content because of ssl?

i followed this guide for setting up xibo on docker plus setup the ssl proxy thing.
Well I’m pretty sure I need to do this
RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto “https”
To Fix the problem but I don’t understand where to put it in my apache 000-default.conf

For anybody following this guide.
Its critical to set your CMS_SERVER_NAME to your domain in your CONFIG.ENV
Also in order to get RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto “https” working you need to run this command: sudo a2enmond headers.
These two things seems to have fixed my xibo to allow ssl downloads to my players.
Xibo NEEDS to add this information to their guide!

I am having the same problem. Ever since installing 2.2.0 my players will not connect to my server. When I bring up the information screen on the player, they only have files for the default layout.

There is a repeated message saying "Error swapping to HTTPS. E=Unable to connect to the remote server.

My server is running only on a local network with a local IP. No domain is available to run the server with SSL right now.

I am using the latest player and my server is on 2.2.1

XMR is connected. Schedule and requested file statuses are “Sleeping”

You have the option “Force HTTPS” enabled in the Display Settings profile. You need to turn that off if you’re not using SSL.

Thank you! That fixed it!

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