Player won't download content (custom install)

Hello all

I have a problem with my newly custom installed xibocms 1.8.1 on Windows 2016 server with apache 2.4 and php 5.6.30.
I had to custom install since i couldn’t get docker to work in my virtual server configuration. Everything checked out ok in the preinstallation check list, the only thing i did not configure was the url rewriting so i ended up just using the url with index.php included.

Installation seemed to go without any problems and i could setup an admin account and i logged in ok, installed player app on another PC and authorized it in the CMS but when it tries to download the content i get error messages.

I also get weird code in the player options while authorizing the display (see image)

and in the CMS i can see this when the display tries to download.


is there anything i have done wrong during installation?


hmm, could you please open php.ini, find this line
always_populate_raw_post_data -1 and make sure it’s not commented out (no ; before that line in php.ini)

After that, please restart your web server and client.

that seemed to be it, now the screens are downloading and displaying the default layout :slight_smile:
Thank you!
