I’m running a XIBO Player on the same Windows PC that im running the dockerserver from, every other player works fine but this one is displaying the background image and every Region is displaying the IE message “This webpage cant be displayed”
I tried to change the layout and remove and add the display agian but it keeps doing the same thing. If i change the layout it changes but all the regions in that layout is displaying the same message.
The Regions contain a clock, twitter feed and an embedded webpage but it doesnt change if i change what the regions contain.
Also, i keep getting notices about some displayings is “downloading 1 file too many times”, i cant seem to find what this means.
Can we see a screenshot of status window on your device please?
As for the downloading files too many times, you can have a look on Displays page -> Manage
there you will see a list of files, at least one of them is probably not downloaded, it could be good to identify what file is it.
Assigning files like that should NOT be necessary, especially since this is module file - please navigate to the Modules page and click the ‘Verify all’ button.
After that you can also clear the cache on the player (edit&save the display on Displays page).
Hi, i cant seem to assigna module file, it doesnt appear in the list. Also clearing the cache didnt work, it still saying “this webpage cant be displayed”
I find it weird that the “left” is working perfectly but the “right” isnt, even though they are running on the same PC, both have the “fonts.css” that has to be downloaded aswell