Permissions for directories, files, and other things to 1.8.2

Ubuntu server 14 without Docker.
Previously installed version of CMS 1.8.1. Works well.
This version started the installation only after the appointment of the www directory 0777 full rights to all.

Downloaded and tried to install the version 1.8.2 and master version.
Rights 0777 is not enough, I tried it for root and www-data. Constant server error 500.
Still how to win 1.8.2?

Please provide specific rights to specific folders. Although if we set 0777, then there is some other problem.
P.S. Install in a clean directory.

Additionally: Please specify access rights on directories and files for the installed system, To ensure not only play, but also to upload files to the library and other.

So your webserver user needs read access to the whole directory tree. It needs write access to the /cache and /library directory, assuming you’re using the default locations.

You definitely don’t want anything chmod 777. That makes everything including files executable. Files should be chmod 644, directories chmod 755

Thanks for the info! It would be nice for other participants to place this information in the topic “Xibo CMS Post-Installation Setup Guide”.