New install xibo : Error SQL during install

Hi all,

I have a VM with windows server 2016 with apache and mysql.and try to insatall xibo 2.3
For installation, when I try to connect to all gone wel till step 3, and get a message : SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field ‘edit’ doesn’t have a default value

i thinks script insatllation is wrong or sql querries are too long ?

Thanks for any help

What version of MySQL are you using?

I thank you for your response, i use Mysql 5.7.24 and PHP 7.1.26

I think I can see why it might do that.

Please can you edit db/migrations/20191205180116_add_playlist_dashboard_page_user_migration.php

and at the bottom of the file, line 59 change the three INSERT statements as follows

    // Set Playlist Dashboard Page Permission
    $this->execute('INSERT INTO `permission` (`entityId`, `groupId`, `objectId`, `view`, `edit`, `delete`) SELECT  '.$pageEntityId.', '.$groupId.', '.$playlistDashboardPageId.', 1, 0, 0');

    // Set Library Page Permission
    $this->execute('INSERT INTO `permission` (`entityId`, `groupId`, `objectId`, `view`, `edit`, `delete`) SELECT  '.$pageEntityId.', '.$groupId.', '.$libraryPageId.', 1, 0, 0');

    // Set Users Page Permission
    $this->execute('INSERT INTO `permission` (`entityId`, `groupId`, `objectId`, `view`, `edit`, `delete`) SELECT  '.$pageEntityId.', '.$groupId.', '.$userPageId.', 1, 0, 0');

Then start the install over again (ie drop the database and start the install process from the beginning)

Logged as an issue here:

Yes yes yes ! It’s work, thanks Alex.

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