Hi I have installed Xampp v3.2.2 (xampp-win32-7.0.4-0-VC14-installer.exe) and this is working with no errors and on Windows 10 pro. I am also using the current release v1.7.7 in the htdocs folder, named (xibo). But when I check the Xibo web page, http://localhost/xibo, I get the message, MySQL support must be enabled in PHP.
Ok I have looked over other messages and check my PHP.ini file in apache, MySQL etc but I still don’t understand what’s wrong Or to the point, what is it I am looking for.
extension=php_exif.dll ; Must be after mbstring as it depends on it
;extension=php_oci8_12c.dll ; Use with Oracle Database 12c Instant Client
I just want a local Windows setup, and be able to use Xibo player editing feature etc.
I have also looked over google with no luck to my problem.
So as I am not a programmer and may not understand some terms I ask most humbly for help with this problem.
Please see this, I don’t think PHP 7 is supported just yet. I know it is not exact. But If 1.8 does not support PHP 7, then I am pretty sure 1.7.7 will not either.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I will uninstall Xampp I am using and install 5.62. I would have thought the latest software is the best way to go, but may be not.
I will give this a go and let you know.
Again thanks.
PHP7 is very new and you will find that many PHP applications do not yet support it. In our case there are libraries we use which are not yet PHP7 compatible.
We will work to add support as PHP7 becomes more popular - it is starting to ship with Ubuntu 16:04 and XAMPP so we imagine it will become more popular fairly quickly.
Hi Dan,
First I want to thank you and the team for XIBO, a wonderful piece of software.
I just install Ubuntu 16:04 with LAMP and it installs PHP7, there a way to bypass the installation check, it get installed, but stops working once installed.
It appears that mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev takes care of what php_mysql used to provide. I test MySQL-PHP with Adminer and works perfect.
I’m trying to install xibo-cms-1.7.8.tar.gz but it doesn’t work without php-mysql which is deprecated in PHP7.
It says: MySQL database (PHP MySql), MySQL support must be enabled in PHP.
Apparently the only file that uses php-mysql is modules/module_db_mysql.php, the rest of the files uses PDO
I did the same thing as JC said and I modified the modules/module_db_mysql.php and used PDO to connect the database. One thing that I need to say is that the select_db() of the database class is not used anymore for PDO. My version is xibo-cms-1.7.9.
I checked the latest version of xibo on github and the modules/module_db_mysql.php is not existed at 1.8 version is fixed
I’m trying to host this at SiteGround, but apprently there using PHP 7.
Am I correct to think that this is not (yet) compatible with the version of Xibo I downloaded today ?