Loop Problem for MP4 Format Video


We use the Android App from Xibo but the problem which we have is that when the video get over we get a Black Screen and then the video restart. Can we loop a MP4 Format without a Blackscreen ?

There always will be a quick flash between videos.

You can use TextureView and transitions to mitigate it, in decent hardware it should literally be a flash not a black screen for seconds, but with transitions it will look better.

TextureView is not supported on all device, hence why it’s not enabled by default, you can check if it works for you on the Display Settings -> Edit display profile assigned to your display -> Troubleshooting tab -> ‘Use Surface View…’ (disable that).
There is a line about it on the Xibo for Android status window as well, so you can make sure which rendering method your player is using.

Transitions needs to be enabled first and then assigned to your widgets - https://xibo.org.uk/manual/en/layouts_transitions.html

It also does not need to be ‘black’, during the transitions it shows the layout background, which by default happens to be black, you can change the background colour or add layout background image in the layout designer.

With texture view it would be recommended to use 1.8R103 (assuming you’re also using 1.8 series CMS).