Logging in on a Website over Xibo Player possible?

Is Login on a Webpage Possible?

Hi everyone,

I’ve run into an issue where I want to display a website, and it loads just fine, but it has a login and every refresh it can not remember the Login credentials.
I already thought that it may be because there are no cookies saved, but I’m not sure.

Does anyone have a solution for this?

I am running Xibo v4 R402.1 on Windows 11 btw.

Thanks in advance

I have the same problem. I can only reach the page after logging in. But then when I copy the web address and paste it into xibo, the home page of the site opens with the login to do and not the correct page.

Hi HeyItsMoony,

The webpage widget can only display websites which is publicly available and does not require any log in. However it is possible to display a webpage if it only has basic log in authentication like username and password as explained here > Display a website which requires login

Kind regards,

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Xibo does not offer authentication functionality for the web widget, except - as Jerry already mentioned - if basic authentication is handled via a GET parameter in the URL. However, this is unlikely to be the case. I also don’t expect Xibo to ever implement such a feature, as the login processs varys from website to website and depends on too many factors.

Check if the website provides an API endpoint. If so, you can handle it directly using Xibo’s built-in tools. If not, you’ll have to implement a solution yourself. I’d first check whether the site allows login via a reverse proxy. Otherwise, you could try copying the token or cookies and see how long they remain valid?

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