Link to install instructions for Docker CE broken

If you go to to get instructions for installing Docker CE on Ubuntu at click on the “Install Docker CE on Ubuntu”, you are directed to a non-existant page, so you cannot progress to get the latest docker installed on a new Ubuntu server…

That webpage is hosted by the Docker project and not by us, so I’m afraid I have no control over it.

When I visit that page, and click on the Install Docker CE on Ubuntu link, it works for me, so perhaps something your end?

The link goes to:

Comparing the link that we tried to access for DOCKER CE and the one that you included, there is a difference. on the site

vs your one:

the .md is what is throwing out the link!

Where are you seeing the link with a .md on the end please? If I visit the link you gave, the link on that page doesn’t include a .md on the end (and not that I could do anything about it if it did as it’s a page on Docker’s website not ours!)