Layout problem with images

CMS Xibo 1.74
Client Android 1.7 R56
Hi I have one layout with 6 regions.
In two of them named B1 e B2, timelines are only with images.
If I insert in region B2 more of one image the player goes in “Default Layout” and the scheduled layout is not displayed until remove all images in B2

This is the exported layout:


Hi Andrea,

I’ll have a look at your layout, does it has all the images in your “B2” region? Or is it the version without it?

It might be helpful if you could show us a screenshot of status window on your device, perhaps it has some issues with displaying some of your images.

We’d also recommend update to R59 if possible (not necessary a problem, just a general recommendation).

Hi Peter,
same problem with R59 all images are in “B2”
the images:

… status is

I’ll schedule your layout soon, as for the status window, I meant the one on your android device. (like in your previous ticket)
Please see this article for details about status window - Getting the player status

It seems to be ok on my device, it would be good to see this status window on your client.
Small .png images, shouldn’t really cause issues, I’d say that it is more likely that your 38 videos + other items on the layout, might be too much for your device perhaps?

HI Peter, I found the problem. Yes you are right, too many videos for my player. I have removed 3 videos and now works, but no error message was showed in the CMS logs or player logs.
The status of player is “Display is up to date” but player shows the default layout and not sheduled layout
My Player is MXIII Android 5.1 + Quad Core with 2GB of RAM DDR3 and 8GB EMMC flash.
Do you think RAM is not enough or what is not ok for you?
How can I understand the limitations of my players to prevent this kind of problem?
Can give me the features of your player?
Thank you and sorry for my english :slight_smile:

It could be, it’s hard to say, your device should return some memory alerts etc if there is a problem with it.

You can have a look at our List of recommended android devices
The most powerful device on that list is probably z64, which I happen to have :wink:

Hi Peter, I have just bought Z64 as you suggested, I want to test it before to replace all my players.
The player starts with the layout but no video is shown, only the first part of the first video.
There are no errors in the log cms and no errors in the player.
Any suggestions?

hmm, could you please make sure that all of your videos are mp4 (H264 encoded)? (I think you had some if not most/all .avi videos there too)

Perhaps it’s causing some playback issues.