Layout invalid clientside

Dear support,

My CMS finaly works now, since the last times I posted.

But a new error ocurred in one of my three players “invalid layout”,
My cms runs at the latest xibo environment(1.8.2).

2 of my players run 1.7.4(due to a lack of space for .net framework 4.5)
and the newest of all runs the new client.

Now one of my 1.7.4 clients doesn’t display my layout,
which is kinda strange, since the other does.
I know the latest client would have more compatibility,
however the only errors it creates on saving to the cms are
errors on specific type of action, such as “wake on LAN”
(or something like that, which is really not required for me anyway)
same errors on the other 1.7.4 client, but regardless of that it still plays.

So I wonder is there a way to get my client to play?

Note: we are talking about HP thin clients running ewf, meaning if I don’t commit my changes it will go back to the latest commited point after a restart. <-- just in case.

Thx in advance,
Marnix Mulder

I don’t think we’ve tested 1.7.4 player vs 1.8.2 CMS, if anything you could perhaps upgrade them to at least 1.7.9 player version?

After that, I’d like to see a screenshot of status window on your device please.

If it does not report anything interesting, you might need to enable auditing on the display (Displays page -> Edit display -> Advanced tab) to make it send more logs to the CMS.

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Thanks for the quick response Peter,

The 1.7.9 doesn’t require .net 4.5?

if so, could you provide me with a link,
since at your github I can find the source code,
but I’d rather have a .msi or .exe installer.

Marnix Mulder

Nevermind, just found it, gonna try it now :slight_smile:

Hi peter,

1.7.9 unfortunally requires .net4.5 installed,
the problem with .net is that it requires space on both drives,
but since it is a hp thin client, the space we have is smaller than a common usb,
with 4-8 gb on C:/ and only 80 - 90mb on Z:/ (ramdisk) .net unfortunally wants 120 mb on Z:/,
which is impossible.

Using an entire pc per display, would be a bit strange in our company, since we only use it for displaying slides(currently), thats the reason we have these “thin clients”.

Do you have any way of resolving the previous issue without involving .net4.5?

Thanks in advance,
Marnix Mulder

You can close this topic, because I fixed it.

Kinda weird though, upgraded to 1.7.7 (didn’t work)

Removed the entire program and all of it’s configs
and reinstalled 1.7.7
When it was all generated again, it worked.

Guess that the program’s configuration was based on something pre 1.7.

Thanks for the help anyway,
Marnix Mulder

The problem itself seems rather odd, but I’m glad that re-installing the player in 1.7.7 fixed it.