Is there any way to publish several layouts at the same time?

Hello, is there any way to publish several layouts at the same time? for example, I have several layouts with the same playlist, when it is edited I have to publish one layout at a time. how to select multiple layouts and publications at the same time?

If you’re re-using a Playlist across multiple layouts, then assuming they’re all published already, there’s no need to edit the layouts at all when you modify the Playlist.

Your changes to the Playlist will flow through to your layouts automatically. You don’t need to make each layout a draft and then republish it.

thanks for your answer. This works as you say, but every time I modify the playlist, the playout is under construction and does not automatically send the new change to the player. I have to publish layout by layout. (I’m not using scheduling)

There’s a background task that will build the layouts associated with the Playlist. If you’ve done a custom install and aren’t running XTR then it won’t work. You must run XTR regularly.

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