In some cases, the [player v 254.1] option "ExpireModifiedLayouts" does the same thing as true

In some cases, the [player v 254.1] option “ExpireModifiedLayouts” does the same thing as true.


I use cms 2.3 .4 and Windows Player 254.1.

The following source code is provided in Logic \ScheduleManager.cs (612):

if (! ApplicationSettings.Default.ExpireModifiedLayouts & & = = CurrentLayoutId)

In the above condition determination, the option “ExpireModifiedLayouts” is false, but since the “CurrentLayoutId” is always 0, the option “ExpireModifiedLayouts” behaves the same as true.
Since there is no place where the layout ID is set in “CurrentLayoutId”, a value other than 0 is not set.

For example, this happens when content used for playback has been deleted on the cms side.

Thank you for reporting this - i’ve created a bug for it and will solve

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Thank you for your prompt response.
I appreciate it.


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