HTTPS RSS Feeds doesent work


my xibo cant display https RSS Feeds. I’ve already downloaded the cacert.pem certificat, stored it in C:\Programm Files\PHP and editet the PHP.ini as shown in this manual: Using Tickers, Forecast, Twitter and other external resources that make use of HTTPS connections

What should I do?

What CMS version are you using please?

If you put the CMS in debugging mode and then force the feed to parse (edit&save should do it or create new widget with the feed), then if you look at Logs page, are there any errors?

If there are errors, are there still about certificate or something else?

You can also validate your feed here -

Thanks for your fast reply.
My CMS version is 1.7.8.

I enabled the debugging mode and recognized a line in the log which says :
“120791 17-09-18 01:11:05 CMS module Feed Error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain”

Link to the RSS Feed:

The Feed Validation Service shows 3 errors, but I’m not sure if they are relevant for my Problem: