HTTP refresh header breaks region timeline

Hi All,

I’ve built a simple webpage that auto refreshes every 5 seconds using HTTP-EQUIV=“refresh” and I have noticed that this breaks playback of the region timeline. The 5 second refresh seems to reset the playback counter set in the timeline for this particular item and the region never moves on past the first item. If I remove the http-refresh things work as expected.

I realize i can avoid this by simply removing the HTTP refresh header and queuing web item several times in a short interval, but this causes the player to “blink” very briefly while the HTTP-refresh does not, and allows for a much smoother viewing experience.

I’m new to this product and I’m guessing that this is a glitch, but feel free to correct me if its working as intended!


The blink that you saw happen when layout reloads (ie. after region with the longest durations ends).
you may want to have a look here Understanding Media Duration and how it affects the playback of a Layout

I didn’t use HTTP-EQUIV=“refresh”, but as I understand it does refresh whole layout, what if you would set it to a bit longer than every 5s (perhaps to duration of your whole layout?)

I will make a second layout without the HTML refresh and have XIBO do the work. I’ll let you know what my experience is!

Peter, My tests show a short flicker (fraction of second) between every ‘timeline step’ in a region, not just when the whole layout restarts.

It’s unfortunate that the HTTP header affects the region execution because the only thing I can think of to circumvent this is by using javascript/ajax instead.

Thanks for your help!