Http error 500 on 1.8.0-rc1


I don’t know what I’m doing wrong and I’ve been installing and upgrading xibo for years, but when trying either a new install or upgrade to 1.8.0-rc1 I see an 500 error whenever I try to navigate to the new installation.

Any troubleshooting tips please?

I’ve unzipped, tried copying the web folder to my web root, creating a symlink to the web folder… All permissions seem to be correct

I’m using a 16.04 Ubuntu server. I’d be happy using the docker install, but want to understand what I’ve done wrong


Same problem

Server - Ubuntu 14.04.5
php 5.6
apache2 2.4.7
mysql 5.6.33-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 - (Ubuntu)
php5-zmq installed

I also got the 500 when using digital ocean and serverpilot, permissions was right and all…

Install was fine, then 500 error at /login


working fine after moving random folders forth and back on server ( no joke, what the actual f )

Likely you either have the web root configured wrongly on your webserver - it should now point to the web folder inside your Xibo installation, or your filesystem permissions prevent writing to the library or cache directories as the webserver.

Hi Alex,

Thanks a lot for this. I’ve now sorted it out by using a sub-domain and virtual host for testing.

Matt :slight_smile:

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