How to change Browser for the Xibo Player

I test again with the R252-1:

Script Errors are the same like the Screenshots.

Video: Yes, i use the Embeddet Widget and a little Script to run a Youtube Video.
Maybe there is an Error or some “Bad Codeing” in this Script?
If you want, i can publish it here.

Edit: If i delete the Empeddet Widget with the “Youtube-Script” the Error is gone.

I also run a local Video from the HDD. This works fine.

Sunny Greetings

That would be very helpful thank you - I can then run the exact same script locally and try to eliminate the errors.


<div id="player"></div>


<style type="text/css">



      var tag = document.createElement('script');
      tag.src = "";
      var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
      firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
      var player;
      function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
        player = new YT.Player('player', {
          height: '792',
          width: '1390',
          videoId: '8DuxysWsGBQ',
playerVars: { 
   'loop': 1,
   'controls' : 0, 
   'rel' : 0,
   'fs' : 0,
   'showinfo' : 0,
   'cc_load_policy' : 0,
   'iv_load_policy' : 3,
   'modestbranding' : 1,
   'mute' : 1,

          events: {
            'onReady': onPlayerReady
      function onPlayerReady(event) {;

Thank you for your help!!!

Greetings Torsten

1 Like

Interesting, so I don’t get any javascript popups when i try the latest build - instead I get a message saying that my browser doesn’t support any of the formats available (essentially this issue here: your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available · Issue #2229 · cefsharp/CefSharp · GitHub)

Can you make sure you’ve got the latest version of XiboClient.exe ?


Maybe something went wrong when I built the installer.

Hi dan,

I make a Mistake…

I test again and write here after i finish.

Greetings Torsten

Edit: Ok i have the unsupportert video format too, and the “Script-Pop-up’s” are gone.

All other things run smooth.

I try another video from Youtube (videoId: ‘0SsSAaJ6BII’,) and it works without the “unsupportet video” Message. So maybe there is no problem with the Player, but with youtube?

Maybe there is a problem with fonts ? I continue testing…

This is really a great help, so thank you.

Good to hear that another video works - basically the issue is that the embedded chrome browser can’t distribute the codecs needed for that particular video - so it will only work with the open codecs that do not have patents/proprietary.

I think we might need to provide an option in the CMS for embedded/web page Widgets which is “use internet explorer instead” - or something like that - we will have a think about it.

Ok Funfact: here on my Testinstallation the Xibo-Client dosen’t start…

I see only the Splash-Screen. In the background the xibo-client download files from the server, but the “Presentation” wont’t start…

I reboot the PC, emty the Xibo-library folder…nothing helps…

Any Hints? Maybe a bug in the Player?

Greetings Torsten

If you press i on the screen it will open up the Player Status window - you could pop a screenshot of that here so we can see if there is anything obvious?

Hi dan,

Hmmm its look like anything can not be found in the Xibo Library…?

Is there a possibility to write a Logfile as a Textfile ?

Greetings Torsten

Does it have permission to write to that library location? Perhaps access is denied?

We write log files to the library, so you could check in there (but if it can’t write there then that will be a problem of course!).

Yes. Permissions are set to Everybody:FullAccess.

I dont change the Permissons, so it works befor i change the Xibo-Client.

So i deinstall the “” Version and install the “” Version and it works right out of the box.

Greetings Torsten

Hmm, I am having trouble explaining that - the error message means “Part of the path could not be found” and basically means that the library folder isn’t correct in some way.

I have added a button back to that page for downloading the log that appears in the table, hopefully there will be some more information there. I’ve got a few more tweaks to make and will then upload that here.

Hmmm… i don’t know too.

If i delete the Library-Folder and start the Player again, the Library-Folder is created and the Player load files from the Server in that directory… Maybe not proberly or some files are missing?

Greetings Torsten

Next Funfact…

I enable Loggin like the How-To here: How do I enable Logging?

Reinstall the Player and it Works…?

I really dont know what was happend ;-))

We have different ideas about what are fun facts :laughing: :sweat_smile:

I hoped to have another update today, but unfortunately I am stuck trying to build a solution to use Edge/IE for YouTube content (to workaround the codec issue you had before).

It sounds like your tests are running again which is good, so I will update again when I have the build working.

Good weekend to you!

Updated MSI to try (latest from here):

If you update your original YouTube HTML to have this comment in it:

<!-- BROWSER=edge -->

Then it should play back the ISS video :crossed_fingers:

Hi dan,

i add the comment in the HTML section and change the “Mannhatten-Video” to “ISS-Video” and it works.
Rest of the Player work smooth too.

But i have a problem withe Fonts…

I continue testing about that…

Edit: I delete the font on the Server an readd it and it works. Other Fonts works too.

So for me everything is working!!

If you have things to test, let me know. i support you!

Greetings Torsten

1 Like

Hi Dan,

a lot is going on here! We have tested the new player ( on our test-systems.

We found that the player won’t react to CMS signals, like close player, or display a new event. Only after closing the player application and re-start it manually it works.

And the scaling is a bit off. One of our displays is a 4:3 screen insted of the 16:9.

IE-based player:

new Player (v2-R252-2-wpf-win32-x86.msi):


Sounds like an XMR issue - are you able to confirm that XMR is connected and receiving messages on the player status screen (i on keyboard)?

Thank you for the test - would you mind sending that Layout over to me so I can recreate?

We installed the player again and deleted the Library folder(s).
Now only the XIBO default splash screen is displayed and nothing more…

This is log:

2020-02-17 18:10:00RequiredFilesAgentThreadScheduleAgent - RunException in Run: Ein Teil des Pfades "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Xibo Library&quot; konnte nicht gefunden werden.
2020-02-17 18:09:59ScheduleManagerThreadSchedule - OnScheduleManagerCheckCompleteAgent threads/XMR is dead, not updating status.json
2020-02-17 18:09:58LogAgentLogAgent - RunException in Run: Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Xibo Library\cef.log" zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird.
2020-02-17 18:10:00RequiredFilesAgentThreadScheduleAgent - RunException in Run: Ein Teil des Pfades "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Xibo Library&quot; konnte nicht gefunden werden.
2020-02-17 18:09:59ScheduleManagerThreadSchedule - OnScheduleManagerCheckCompleteAgent threads/XMR is dead, not updating status.json
2020-02-17 18:09:58LogAgentLogAgent - RunException in Run: Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Xibo Library\cef.log" zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird.
2020-02-17 18:10:09ScheduleManagerThreadSchedule - OnScheduleManagerCheckCompleteAgent threads/XMR is dead, not updating status.json
2020-02-17 18:10:00RequiredFilesAgentThreadScheduleAgent - RunException in Run: Ein Teil des Pfades "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Xibo Library&quot; konnte nicht gefunden werden.
2020-02-17 18:09:59ScheduleManagerThreadSchedule - OnScheduleManagerCheckCompleteAgent threads/XMR is dead, not updating status.json
2020-02-17 18:09:58LogAgentLogAgent - RunException in Run: Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Xibo Library\cef.log" zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird.
2020-02-17 18:10:09ScheduleManagerThreadSchedule - OnScheduleManagerCheckCompleteAgent threads/XMR is dead, not updating status.json
2020-02-17 18:10:00RequiredFilesAgentThreadScheduleAgent - RunException in Run: Ein Teil des Pfades "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Xibo Library&quot; konnte nicht gefunden werden.
2020-02-17 18:09:59ScheduleManagerThreadSchedule - OnScheduleManagerCheckCompleteAgent threads/XMR is dead, not updating status.json
2020-02-17 18:09:58LogAgentLogAgent - RunException in Run: Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Xibo Library\cef.log" zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird.
2020-02-17 18:10:19ScheduleManagerThreadSchedule - OnScheduleManagerCheckCompleteAgent threads/XMR is dead, not updating status.json
2020-02-17 18:10:09ScheduleManagerThreadSchedule - OnScheduleManagerCheckCompleteAgent threads/XMR is dead, not updating status.json
2020-02-17 18:10:00RequiredFilesAgentThreadScheduleAgent - RunException in Run: Ein Teil des Pfades "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Xibo Library&quot; konnte nicht gefunden werden.
2020-02-17 18:09:59ScheduleManagerThreadSchedule - OnScheduleManagerCheckCompleteAgent threads/XMR is dead, not updating status.json
2020-02-17 18:09:58LogAgentLogAgent - RunException in Run: Der Prozess kann nicht auf die Datei "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Xibo Library\cef.log" zugreifen, da sie von einem anderen Prozess verwendet wird.

I will sent you the layout via PM. But all layouts are affected, this was simply the first one I saw.
