How to change Browser for the Xibo Player

If you look in your installation folder, you should see that CefSharp.Core.dll is there? Can you check that?

Did you install from the MSI?

Yes, the file is existing. And yes, installed from your MSI files.

Thanks - if you’re able to look in EventViewer for the message (it will be in the Application log) then it would be great to see that

Hi and welcome - this would be much better posted in a new question - the webpage module can already so zooming and positioning so it would be good to have a look and see if that does what you want.

I’ve worked this out and will build a new release!

Hi everyone!

Thanks again for your testing - it has been very useful.

I have fixed the strange problem when installing into a fresh library folder and uploaded a new MSI which you can download the here, pick the latest one with -wpf- in the name.

As usual, feedback is very welcome.

A status update:
I think the Player is roughly the same stability level as the current stable windows forms Player (the v2 R201), so I can start putting implementing things from v2 R202. I also think we might be able to sneak some transitions into this WPF Player (which is very exciting!).


Hey Dan,

i downloaded the newest version of your MSI. The behaviour is the same as with the other 2 versions. Xibo Clients starts and the process is almost immediately gone.

In the log.xml_1322… files is the same message as yesterday (unfortunately in german :slight_smile: ) :

2020-02-20 08:51:47MainUnhandled Exception: Die Datei oder Assembly "CefSharp.Core.dll" oder eine Abhängigkeit davon wurde nicht gefunden. Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.

The File CefSharp.Core.dll is still existing.
Are there any other logs, where i can find informations?

Thanks in advance

Hi Matze - thanks for trying.

Sorry I wasn’t expecting your issue to be solved actually! But I think I do know why it happens!

Can you try installing the Visual C++ redistributable from here? I think it is a run time dependency of cef which I unfortunately missed from the installer!

This looks very nice. No flashes between the websites we are displaying.

Is this already a version with the chrome cef option? Our webdesigner is pretty happy because custom css styles are working fine now. :wink:

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Great to hear that worked - I will add that package to the pre-installation checklist in the MSI.

Yes this build uses Chromium for web rendering (great to hear your styling is working) and it also uses WPF so the Web control is transparent (I think this also means you can put it on top of other things - i.e. overlapping regions should work)

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Hi Dan,

I downloaded the new MSI:
The flashes are gone it seems to work very well, only the scaling problem is still present on non 16:9 displays, as described here: How to change Browser for the Xibo Player

And pressing i tells me a requiredfilesliet.xml is missing. But the display works and the xml is prenset.


Thank you for your feedback!

I will look at this again as my next step.

for me, the new Version works great!!

Especially the new overlapping and transparent Regions!

Great Works ! Thanks to all in the Team!

Greetings Torsten

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i testing overlapping Regions in the last days…
z-indexes are not working with the new Player, right?

Greetings Torsten

Ah, they should be working, so that is interesting!

It tries to sort them while its parsing the layout

_regions.Sort((l, r) => l.ZIndex < r.ZIndex ? -1 : 1);

I’ll add that to my list - thanks for the feedback.

I’ve run through our test suite for zindex and the wpf player does seem to work OK with all of our tests - do you have an example you can send me?

The wpf player has been updated with the following fixes:

  • scaling for layouts of different resolutions to the player
  • widgets with background colours
  • screensaver mode throwing an exception
  • widget transitions (fade in/out, and fly)

You can get the new MSI here.

Hi dan

i continue testing and i have the following results with the new player (R252-5) :

Overlapping: It works, but not when i have the embeddet widget and play a Youtube Video in it.
In this case, the widget with the video is ontop of all…!?
After the “Embeded-Video-Widget” i change to an “Embedded-Webcam-Widget” and it works to.

Maybe there is an bug in my implementation of the Youtube Video?

Here are the code for that:

<!-- BROWSER=edge -->
<div id="player"></div>

<style type="text/css">



function EmbedInit()
// Init will be called when this page is loaded in the client.

<script type="text/javascript">
      var tag = document.createElement('script');
      tag.src = "";
      var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
      firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
      var player;
      function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
        player = new YT.Player('player', {
          height: '792',
          width: '1390',
          videoId: '0SsSAaJ6BII',
playerVars: { 
   'loop': 1,
   'controls' : 0, 
   'rel' : 0,
   'fs' : 0,
   'showinfo' : 0,
   'cc_load_policy' : 0,
   'iv_load_policy' : 3,
   'modestbranding' : 1,
   'mute' : 1,

          events: {
            'onReady': onPlayerReady
      function onPlayerReady(event) {;


Transitions: i continue testing…

Greetings Torsten

That is unfortunate but i’m afraid not surprising - if you removed <!-- BROWSER=edge --> and picked a video with patent free encoding, the I suspect it would work as you wanted.

Much like the old IE11, Edge does not support overlapping :frowning_face:

As usual, thanks for the testing!

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Hi Dan,

we tested the new version. For us, there are no problems anymore!
The scaling works and no white flashes.

We will test it further.


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