Help installation Xampp & Xibo v1.8.1

I try to dash(launch) into an installation of ibo 1.8.1.

Materials(equipments): Windows 7 x32 Xampp 5.6.30

I unzip the archive "xibo-cms-1.8.1"
rename “xibo” the placed in him(it) c:/ xampp / htdocs /
but the installation does not dash(launch).
I did not understand the part(party) personalized installation

Merci of your help(assistant), I am French saddened(sorry) for my English.

You need to change your web server configuration to make the document root the “web” folder inside the Xibo source you extracted.

ie c:\xampp\htdocs\xibo-cms-1.8.1\web

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there’s only has htaccess

I think the thread is more than 2 Years old. I hope the problem is solved and this thread can now be closed ?

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