Group Admin User can't edit own, newly created Layout

  1. Created User Group named “Department1Group”
  2. For Page Permissions, added Campaigns, Home, Layout, Media Dashboard, Preview and Templates.
  3. Create “Department1User”; user type Group Admin.
  4. Assigned “Department1User” to “Department1Group” user group.
  5. Logged in as “Department1User” and in the left menu, see Campaigns, Layouts and Templates.
  6. Click on “Layouts” then “Add Layout”; “Add Layout” dialog box opens; enter information and click on save.
  7. Immediately at the bottom of the screen, greeted with “Access Denied” above the “Read Only Mode”.
  8. Checkout the page and greeted by two “Access Denied” errors and I can’t do anything.

Why does this Group Admin user, which is creating their own, brand new layout not have access to edit their own layout?

Common sense would suggest that even as a Group Admin user, they’d have access to edit and do whatever they want with their own layout (or any layout created by users of said group); heck even publish their own layout. WITHOUT having a SuperUser go in and assign permissions.

Why does Xibo require that I as a SuperUser have to individually assign permissions to that user/user group so they can view/edit/delete their own layouts?

There’s even a feature request back in July 2015 suggesting exactly that; HERE.

Created a layout (from a template) as that user and as a superuser, assigned view/edit/delete permissions for that layout, to that group.

Tried to edit the layout and everything is access denied. Can’t do anything.

Created another layout (without a template) as that user and as a superuser, assigned view/edit/delete permissions for this layout to the user.

Again, tried to edit the layout and everything is access denied. Can’t do anything.

Thank you for your message. Can you also add the “Regions” Page security option to your User group to see if this resolves the Access denied message? If you do not allow Regions then this would stop you from editing the Regions in Layouts.

If the issue persists after adding Regions to the page security, please let me know.

Many Thanks.