Frozen App on OPS_DRD

Hello guys great platform that you have created.

I have a problem with the Android App on the app gets frozen and we can’t do anything but restart the whole system. In the logs I’m getting these errors.

Any help you can give me? I’ve already disabled everything else in the Android 4.2.2

Memory notifications - Memory Notifications

Error in Register: null, that means your player couldn’t reach CMS at this time and will make another attempt next collection interval (not necessary a problem, unless it persists in which case it might indicate connection issues)

What kind of content are you trying to display?
Perhaps you’d need more powerful device for this task.

I’m trying to display a video 1920×1080. Maybe it’s too big. Wouldn’t raise
an exception or something? It’s plays OK for sometime.

It’s pretty much the standard now, so it shouldn’t cause issues.

You can try to run something lighter (few images for example) and see if you will still get memory notifications.

Of course if there is anything not needed that can uninstall that could be helpful as well.

More powerful device would of course also help, but that’s the final solution when everything else fails :wink:

We run a few of those devices and experience the same issue. During a further investigation we saw a very low cpu load. It turns out the gpu is not ideal for playing ambitious video content.

Did you fix this issue or just changed the content?

So far I can’t see a fix, except to exchange hardware or live with the makeshift of simple content, like images or not ambitious video content. Don’t perform any remote “desktop” access or actions which need higher amount of gpu power, if you don’t have physical access to the display which mounts the device, or you have lan access to the display itself (not the ops device) to reboot remotely, if the ops device stalls. … You can see the drain on resources by playing ambitious video content (i.e. with high sampling rate and/or moving gradients) in 1920 x 1080. Watch the rendering, then you’ll get an idea about the content you can play with this device.

On the other hand, with not so ambitious video content, we tested this device with a three region layout with Xibo animated text in one region, one big region with a mixed layout (videos, images, websites) and a sidebar layout with the Xibo analog clock and different images. We had this running for about 48 hrs w/o noticeable rendering issues. But at some point the device resources seemed to be also exhausted with this setup. For instance, Xibo did not update all content correctly all the time. We had to reboot the device to display layout updates sometimes.