Forgot Password 1.8.1 Docker

You will need to run sql command (similar to 1.7 series) on the web container.

Please see here how to access mysql on docker - How can I run a SQL command when using a Docker Install?

docker ps (to learn the web container name)

docker exec -it <container_name> bash

mysql -hmysql -ucms -p <your_password> (The password will be the one you set in config.env when you installed Xibo.)

then make sure that you have database selected, you can run use <databaseName> if it’s not selected (default database name is cms)

then finally run the command to change the password ie

UPDATE user set UserPassword = MD5(‘password’), CSPRNG = 0 WHERE UserID = 1 LIMIT 1;

Where ‘password’ will be your new password.

Alternatively install PhpMyAdmin as docker container and run the sql command from there (process described in the link I’ve mentioned).