I’ve some trouble to setting up forecast language…
- I have checked the checkbox “Show international dates? USE_INTL_DATEFORMAT”
- I have loaded the php module extension=php_intl.dll
- I have setup the default language (DEFAULT_LANGUAGE) as it
- I have setup the defaultTimezone as Rom
- In forecast IO module I have setup the language as ITALIAN
but… the module show me the NUMBER of the day and not the NAME of the day…
I assume that’s regarding 1.7.9 version?
ok, every template besides 5 days, current day in a big circle should work when you select your language in the CMS and in forecast item.
The 5 days… template needs additional changes.
As you said, the Show international dates should be enabled and you will need to edit the template for example like this:
under ‘Enter the template for the current forecast. Replaces [dailyForecast] in main template.’
<div class="day">
<div class="currentDay">
<div class="day-icon"><i class="wi [wicon]"></i></div>
<hr class="day-icon-seperator">
<div class="weekday">[time|cccc]</div>
<div class="maxTemp"><span class="temp">[temperatureMaxFloor]</span>°<span class="unitTemp">[temperatureUnit]</span></div>
<div class="weekday-short">[time|eee]</div>
and you will have:
Many many thanks
It work fine