We recently upgraded our old Xibo install to the latest version. I can’t remember what version we upgraded from. ts been about 4 years since we upgraded. We installed the new Android Players on our oDroid M1S devices and registered them with our self-hosted cms.
A lot of our previously working layouts don’t show at all on the player. We did update the dataset widgets to use the newer dataset html widget. Most of these used static photos with text overlay. It appears that the Rich Text widget work but not the HTML dataset widget. The font used on the display is a default font and not the font we uploaded and used on the CMS.
We are trying to use video, full screen with text overlay. Some videos will play but no text is shown and others just refuse to play. We tried to change resolutions etc in case that was what was effecting things but no luck.
All the layout show fine in the browser. I had a look at the “Status” page on the player and it doesn’t show any errors. On the “Manage” dashboard for the display we get this error under faults:
“5001 No Data” “Widget Id: 1311” etc.
Under the display setting log levels are: “Emergency, Alert,Critical, Error, None”. Not sure how to get debug output? From what I can gather the fonts, which are in the media library aren’t being downloaded and this may affect the html dataset widget. Thats our best guess. Any pointers?
Rebuild your layout, go to CMS > Layout > row menu > Design > then ‘Publish’ it.
run the ‘Daily Maintenance’ task and ‘Widget Sync’ task by going to your CMS > Task in the main CMS menu.
clear your player cache by going to CMS > Displays > row menu > Edit > put a check on ‘Clear Cached Data’ tick box and then save it.
Edit your schedule in CMS > Schedule. Make sure that the ‘Dayparting’ is set to ‘Always’ then save it.
Wait to see in your Xibo Player if the layout shows as well as your dataset.
If the issue still persist, could you please share the needed information below for further investigation?
Check what fonts are being used in the layout and see if your CMS > Fonts section has those fonts available.
What version of CMS was it before it got upgraded?
What version of CMS was it upgrdaded to?
What is the type of instalaltion you have for your CMS (Docker on Linux or Webserver)?
Could you please upload your layout to here and provide me the link? Please make sure that when you export the layout, tick the ‘Include DataSet data?’ opton.
Could you please upload as well a screenshot of ‘Player Status Logs’ entire page as the issue is happening?
Thanks for the response. I have carried out the steps set out above and I am still having trouble with some of the layouts. I have verified that the font is available. I have even changed to a default font to see if it would change anything.
I am currently on version Version 4.1.2 of the CMS. The version we upgraded from was 2.1.0 according to its docker-compose file.
We are running docker on ubuntu. I will upload the requested files.