"Fatal Error - sorry this shouldn't happen. The theme "views" does not exist"


Tried to make a different theme. Something went wrong, and now it say:

“Fatal Error - sorry this shouldn’t happen. The theme “views” does not exist”

when I try to log in.
Can I restore the default theme any way? Docker ver 1.8

thanks =)

Could you tell me what exactly did you do to create new theme? Did you follow instructions here http://xibo.org.uk/manual-tempel/en/advanced_theme.html ?

Assuming that you did not edit anything regarding the default theme, you probably should be able to set it back via mysql query.

Followed the link above exactly. Then, when it started to mess I deleted the folders.
And now I will not be in at all :slight_smile:

Could i do a fresh install and maintain my lyouts and screens in an easy way?

I´m in phpmyadmin now.

Where are the setting for theme?

Problem solved!!


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Yeah, the global theme name, sorry I got distracted and forgot to mention what you need to change, I’m glad you found it though! :slight_smile:

i add “<?php” to the config.php.

now its working.

in your example, there is no <?php in the config.php

Ah yes, it’s always good to define the type of file you have :slight_smile:

I did not have a chance to see your code to catch that, but I’m glad you found it!

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From the instruction:

"Each theme has a simple config file called config.php which sets the title for the theme and some other meta data, for example the default theme config.php is:

$config = array(
‘view_path’ => ‘…/views’,
‘theme_name’ => ‘Xibo Default Theme’,
‘theme_title’ => ‘Xibo Digital Signage’,
‘app_name’ => ‘Xibo’, … … … …
… … … …

Maybee you can add there the <?php section.

I’ve logged that here for you:

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