Exception: Invalid response 401

im new ti xibo

Im using wamp and when i try to connect the api I get this msg below

this is the url :
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ReplaceVideo.py", line 12, in <module>
    api = XiboAPI.XiboAPI()
  File "D:\codes\Xibo\XiboAPI.py", line 69, in __init__
    user_token, user_secret = self.setupUserToken(url,consumer_key,consumer_secr                                  et)
  File "D:\codes\Xibo\XiboAPI.py", line 99, in setupUserToken
    raise Exception("Invalid response %s." % resp['status'])
Exception: Invalid response 401.

it seems to me that NULL is not passing through to the CMS

I’ve been looking for answer for the last five days
please help

I assume you followed the instructions from here? http://xibo.org.uk/2014/02/19/scripting-xibo-content-management-a-brief-tour-of-the-api/

Did you create the application in the CMS and then have your CMS address and application consumer_key and consumer_secret?

If you wish to use API, it might be a good idea to wait for 1.8 (rc1 should be available next week, beta is available now).
It has much more complete, documented and tested API than 1.7.

thanks peter
i will wait for 1.8 release