Exception in Run: Could not find file "C:\User\sundeep\Documents\Xibo Library\requiredFiles.xml"

Hi this is sundeep,

Thanks for going through my post.

I am new to xibo and I installed server on AWS and player on windows and android platforms.

  1. Android machine is working very well
  2. Windows machine is worked with lot of glitches and from yesterday on it is showing below error continuously, can any one guide me what I can do here, to solve this issue

Exception in Run: Could not find file “C:\User\sundeep\Documents\Xibo Library\requiredFiles.xml”

What CMS and players versions are you using please?

is the file in question in the player local library?

Could you show us a screenshot of status window on this windows client please?

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Hi peter,

Thanks for the replay,

I am using following versions and please check the attachment to this post

Player V1.8.2
CMS V1.8.1

It would be good to see whole status window, if you could screenshot that please.

As for those errors, there is different local library path there, it would seem you have set the player library path to root F drive, which most likely is not what you really want.

It could be good to clear the library location in the default path and set the player library location there.
Could you please set it to the default location under C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Xibo Library and let it download the files please?

It would also seem that xmr is not configured correctly, or your player has issues connecting to the CMS.

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  1. Yes I did not configured ‘XMR’ Actually I dont know how to configure, use it and what is the role of it !
  2. Initially I tried default location for library download but I got same error.

Whenever I install the player following things will happen

  1. a new entry will popup in display page
  2. after authorising and launching the player, it will consistently showing the xibo splash image (on windows) but it works fine on android
  3. at CMS side I see cloud/Download symbol or X symbol

people can you please help me here, from last 3 days I stucked in same situation, tried installing CMS like 3 times

currently I am running
player 1.8.2 on windows 10
CMS 1.8.2 on ubuntu

Right, that’s exactly why I asked you to show us whole status window.

You have /web in your CMS url, which means it’s not correctly configured and may very well cause various issues, please see this manual page for details - http://xibo.org.uk/manual/en/install_environment.html namely the DocumentRoot and URL rewriting

While you’re at it, you might also read about zeroMQ and XMR as sooner or later you will want this working as well.

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Also, set your time and date correctly on server and hosts, as this can screw up network and scheduling. i noticed last connection 1\1\0001 or something.

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Hi peter,

thank you for replay. her is what i want to achieve

I have a website index.html and whne i hit on login then it will take me to xibo login page, sp my primary page is my website(index.html) and then xibo folder

This is how I arranged directors in Ubuntu system

|- index.html
|- xibo(directory)-|
|- web (directory)
|- bin
|- cache

Default apache is point to index.html of website

I followed below description to skip error while installing CMS

can you please suggest using this info

FYI:- I installed CMS on aws e2c instance

Sure, just use a pointer to
however make sure you set up your config file in apache or whatever for the app directory and the web directory

Knitehawk thanks for quick replay,

Yes I did and I am getting above error, not every-tine but sometime, I am confused with it

just for giggles
manually check the directory and see of that file is there.
is your server linux or windows?
if linux do a chown on the whole xibo directory including non web side to set apache ownership