Error: Connection failed

Hello everyone,

i have Ubuntu 16.04 with Xibo 1.8.2 and Docker running. Installed it with the help of:

Since some days its no longer working. Acually i cant login to the xibo site.
The only thing i get is a Error: connection failed.

So far i checked the following things:

  • docker-composer is up and running
  • restart server didnt helped

root@xibo-server:/opt/xibo# docker-compose logs
Attaching to xibo_cms-web_1, xibo_cms-xmr_1, xibo_cms-db_1
cms-web_1 | Waiting for MySQL to start - max 300 seconds
cms-web_1 | MySQL started
cms-web_1 | DBVersion
cms-web_1 | 133
cms-web_1 | Updating settings.php
cms-web_1 | Configuring Backups
cms-web_1 | Configuring Maintenance
cms-web_1 | Running maintenance
cms-web_1 | Starting cron
cms-web_1 | Starting webserver
cms-web_1 | AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server’s fully qualified domain name, using Set the ‘ServerName’ directive globally to suppress this message
cms-db_1 | 2017-11-15 10:07:41 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).
cms-db_1 | 2017-11-15 10:07:41 0 [Note] mysqld (mysqld 5.6.37) starting as process 1 …

docker ps
1a4325dd14f3 xibosignage/xibo-cms:release_1.8.2 “/” 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>80/tcp xibo_cms-web_1
bb36187e2f9f xibosignage/xibo-xmr:release_1.8.2 “/” 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes>9505/tcp, 50001/tcp xibo_cms-xmr_1
94eb5c9a0f92 mysql:5.6 “docker-entrypoint…” 9 minutes ago Up 9 minutes 3306/tcp xibo_cms-db_1

root@xibo-server:/opt/xibo# docker logs xibo_cms-db_1
2017-11-15 10:07:41 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).
2017-11-15 10:07:41 0 [Note] mysqld (mysqld 5.6.37) starting as process 1 …

The ufw firewall is disabled and should not cause any trouble.

Any further ideas whats wrong here?

best regards

Have you made any changes in the CMS settings? Force https for example?
Usually when something like that happens, something had to be changed for it to stop working.

The containers seems to be running with the default ports, assuming you’re accessing it same as before I’d expect that to work, unless there were some other changes made to the configuration that we are no aware of.

I assume you did not make configuration changes to use custom ports or enable ssl, ie basiaclly everything is configured with default values as per Alex’s guide?

I With that I assume you tried to down/up commands to recreate the containers?

In general you probably want that enabled and with the relevant ports open.